War Risk Insurance

As reported earlier this week, NIMASA is calling on the international community to rethink the level of war risk insurance for vessels calling Nigeria. According to the Punch newspaper, the Director-General of Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Bashir Jamoh, has expressed worry over the persisting war-risk insurance on Nigerian bound cargoes, calling for its removal.

Dr. Bashir said – “Since the deployment of the deep blue project assets in February, there has been a steady decline in piracy attacks in the Nigerian waters on a monthly basis. We, therefore, invite the international shipping community to rethink the issue of war risk insurance on cargo bound for our ports. Nigeria has demonstrated enough commitment towards tackling maritime insecurity to avert such premium burden.”

Read the full article here

What is war risk insurance?

It is an insurance policy that provides financial protection to the policyholder against losses from events such as invasions, insurrections, riots, strikes, revolutions, military coups, and terrorism. The premium varies based on the expected stability of the countries to which the vessel will travel.

How does it affect Nigeria’s maritime trade?

Due to the proliferation of piracy, hijacking and invasion affecting cargo coming into Nigerian ports, insurance companies have over time increased the premium being paid by operators in the Nigerian maritime space. The cost of this increasing premium negatively affects the cost of maritime trade in Nigeria.

According to the non-profit Oceans Beyond Piracy’s 2020 report, the total cost of additional war risk area premiums incurred by Nigeria-bound ships transiting the Gulf was $55.5m in 2020 alone.

Thus far, there has been no response from insurers or the international community to this request, but we will follow this story in the coming weeks and months following the official launch of the Deep Blue Project earlier this month (see our coverage here).

At Arete, we offer mitigation services for maritime and offshore clients such as Risk Management Consultants (RMCs) embarked on clients’ vessels and platforms offshore to coordinate Security Patrol Vessel (SPV) activity, undertake incident response & crisis management, train and drill the crews in counter-piracy, as well as provide Security Patrol Vessel (SPV) escorts throughout Nigerian waters.

Email us at info@arete-group.com

The Deep Blue Project in Nigeria – Launch Update

Arete closely followed the launch of the Deep Blue Project in Nigeria last week notably how the initiative will affect offshore operations for businesses and individuals.

At the ceremony last Thursday, Director-General of the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Dr. Bashir Jamoh said “With the deployment of the assets of the Deep Blue Project, we are entering another level of national security designed for total spectrum maritime security and better domain awareness using some of the latest technology. This effort to secure our waters will give Nigerians more leverage to harness the enormous resources of our maritime environment and aid the drive towards economic diversification.”

Here are some of the project assets that were unveiled as a part of the launch:

2 Special Mission Vessels (the DB Lagos and DB Abuja, built by Shipyard De Hoop in the Netherlands)
3 AW109 helicopters
16 Proforce armored vehicles
2 Cessna Citation CJ3 maritime surveillance aircraft,
17 De Haas Maasluis DHM1050 interceptor boats
4 Tekever AR3 unmanned aerial vehicles
A C4I (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence) Operations Centre
600 personnel strong Maritime Security Unit (MSU)

In the #AreteDeepDive article published last week, our in-house expert noted that – “Local Navies’ ability to respond to incidents has also been undermined by a lack of technological architecture to support the Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence (C4I) functions that are critical for a timely and effective response.”

Clearly, NIMASA has accounted for C4I as part of their Deep Blue Project which is encouraging, however as mentioned in the deep dive, this project, while a step in the right direction, should not be seen as a quick fix for the ongoing maritime issues the region has seen in recent years.

Overall the launch was welcomed by many stakeholders in the industry, not least the ICS and BIMCO, and Arete will continue to monitor the rollout of the project from our Joint Operations Centre (JOC) in Lagos, Nigeria.
#security #safety

Deep Blue Project – Launch Ceremony

Today, the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA) inaugurates the long-awaited Integrated National Security and Waterways Protection Infrastructure – more commonly known as the Deep Blue project. The project is designed to generate an integrated surveillance and response capability that will bring together coastal surveillance, airborne surveillance, command and control centres, and response vessels. The project will impart a significant uplift to Nigeria’s ability to combat a range of maritime criminal activities including piracy, armed robbery, kidnapping, trafficking of people, smuggling of drugs and other contraband, oil theft, illicit waste dumping, and illegal and unregulated fishing.

This is a positive step for Maritime Security in the region. Mounting pressure from the shipping industry and international maritime organisations have highlighted the parlous state of security in the Gulf of Guinea, as discussed in our most recent #AreteDeepdive. You can read it here

It is anticipated that the Deep Blue Project will be a major elevation in capability and allow Nigeria to mount coordinated interdiction and response operations in support of international shipping and the offshore industry.

However, the Deep Blue Project should not be expected to be a quick fix solution; the security forces will need to adapt their doctrine and make the new operating procedures work effectively and efficiently and this will take time. For the greatest effect, NIMASA may look to integrate the Deep Blue Project into a wider maritime security structure which would ultimately project its advantage beyond its own territorial waters. This however would only be efficient once the capability is fully established and operationally functional from both a physical and doctrinal perspective. #shipping #security #safety #offshore

Nigeria is opening up for more business

On May 20, 2021, the Onne Multipurpose Terminal (OMT) opened its doors for operations. According to a report from Punch Nigeria, the Head of Operations, OMT, Robert Uljan, said the terminal will double Eastern Nigeria’s modern container handling capacity and thereby improve the region’s economic growth.

Days earlier on May 18, 2021, Lagos State Government announced that it had secured a loan of $629 million to finance the ongoing Lekki Deep Sea Port Enterprise Limited, LPLEL, billion-dollar project.

The Lekki deep seaport which is reportedly 50% complete is being built over 90 hectares of land at the centre of the Lekki Free Trade Zone, LFTZ, approximately 60 kilometres east of Lagos.

We look forward to helping businesses and individuals take advantage of these new business opportunities. #AreteAfrica

Send us a message today at info@arete-group.com
#business #riskmanagementconsulting

#AreteSOS Lagos Robberies

On May 19, we received reports of robberies around Admiralty Way, Lekki, Lagos State. The reports said there were several persons affected at about 8 pm on May 18, 2021. There have also been growing cases of robberies along Ozumba Mbadiwe, Falomo, and Admiralty way, Lagos.

Due to these reports, we have consulted our in-house security experts and put together tips on how you and your loved ones can stay safe.

Feel free to share with your network. #AreteSOS


BIMCO launch Gulf of Guinea Declaration on Suppression of Piracy

In 2020, 135 crew were kidnapped from their ships globally, with the Gulf of Guinea accounting for over 95% of the crew numbers kidnapped.

While regional states affected, especially Nigeria, are working hard to manage the problem, several gaps remain unplugged.

To effectively manage the problem, 99 maritime companies, organizations, and flag states, including the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO), have signed the Gulf of Guinea Declaration on Suppression of Piracy.

This declaration will deploy capable military assets from able and willing non-regional states to actively combat piracy in the area in support of the efforts by countries in the region.

The signatories of this declaration firmly believe that piracy and attempts at kidnapping are preventable through active anti-piracy operations and that by the end of 2023 the number of attacks by pirates can be reduced by at least 80%.

Watch out for the #AreteDeepDive into this declaration and what it means for the region.